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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hiya all~~ zhiyong posting here!!

Suddenly, i a lot of ideas for more outing for the hoilday!! LOL

4 Items on the list!

-Movie - Gran Torino
-Movie - Shinjuku Incident

SO! Whoever is interested in any of these activities, tell me!! we can find some day, find some group and go enjoy!! :D

P.S. Please spread the news of this updated post in this blog, lol.

inspiration left.
[9:54 AM]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi guys,

Please take note since 30th March is IS enrollment day, and the registration times are staggered, the Outing to Sentosa has been postponed to

Venue: Sentosa.(We will probably meet at the train station at harbourfront first.)
Time: TBA( Tentatively 11am)
Activities: Games, Mini Picnic.
Games Committee: Lijun, Jessie, Zach, Gladys.
Weather and Cleanliness I/C (Scout to make sure place is nice and clean): Wayne Yeo(Also in charge of notifying parents of the day's activities.)

Please contact Zhi Yong for more information: 97558601
Zhi Yong encourages all to come for this fun filled class bonding activity.
To those who are afraid of the sun: bring your umbrella and sun block. No excuses.

To those who cannot wake up by 2pm: Buy and set at least 3 alarms. No excuses.

To those who are in dpa: Please come, your invited. We have always considered you as part of the class. =)

To Wilson and Gang: There'll be soccer. So yeah, you can come =)

To those who wont come unless there is some sort of cycling activities: Life is more than just cycling. Please come. Learn to live without your bike under you always.

To those who are working: Tell your boss Happy April Fool.

To those who come in pairs: Please come! Great opportunity for bonding!

inspiration left.
[5:23 AM]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Guests,

Honoured invitated guests, i'm delighted to extend this invitation to you regarding this upcoming class outing, the information are up for reference, final details will be release at later dates. Thank you for your consideration.

Venue - Sentosa Beach
Date - 30th March 2009
Timing - TBC
Activities - TBC
Game Committee - TBC (Please kindly volunteer)
Weather Forcast - TBC

For acknowledge or enquires, please reply to 
Mr. Koh Zhi Yong - 97558601, WIVF@hotmail.com.

We look forward to your participation. 

inspiration left.
[8:27 AM]

Friday, March 13, 2009

Guys!!! How is the hoilday so far?

I think...
for another outing!!

So, now, lets invite Mr. Tan Wei Jie to organize the next outing,

Venue : TBC
Timing : TBC

inspiration left.
[6:18 AM]